By akademiotoelektronik, 01/03/2023
Trip with Arnaud Manzanini, beyond the polar circle
Magious purple bike and thermometer at least 30 ° C: Is this the place of a cyclist?(Q.Iglesis)
Ultra-cyclist Arnaud Manzanini was afraid of the cold.To understand why, he went to ride north of Sweden, beyond the polar circle, by - 30 ° C.Narrative.
Olivier Haralambon 08 février 2021 à 13h12commenterThere are two dimensions to the life of the modern adventurer: inner life, with his dreams, his impulses, his need for space and great air, and his material existence, that is to say the means putat its disposal by a number of partners, including financial.
lire aussi Joe Biden, un cycliste à la Maison-BlancheArnaud Manzanini, whose thirst for great air and kilometric bulimia feed on sensible challenges, first planned to tackle the world tour of the world by bike with assistance, owned by the Scottish Mark Beaumont, in 78 days.Beaumont having used only one bike for concern for approval to Guinness Book, the method would consist in treating material aspects, and in particular aerodynamics.However, our phileas Fogg had pushed his preliminary research far beyond blower studies.Arnaud Manzanini knows that beyond the aerodynamic data, a record on a planetary scale is a matter of routing.Sailors know it better than anyone.
Records and ethics
Thus he had taken language with specialists in AI (artificial intelligence), in IBM in Chicago and Nice, in a Data Analysis approach almost increased by increased humanity.In order to determine each day, each hour, the best possible route, it was a question of collecting all the possible parameters concerning both the inner environment (the body) and the exterior (the world): the state of fatigueand the weather.Being and having it, in a way.A total project: "There was a lot of time to save on a record so long.»»
Une double stratégie vestimentaire et alimentaire est nécessaire pour lutter contre le froid. (Q.Iglesis)But of course this kind of company represents a high budget - of the order of 400,000 euros - that the occurrence of the epidemic in March 2020 did not make it possible to complete.In addition, the said epidemic and the environmental issues that it violently resurfaced have inspired the adventurer.“I realized that this configuration had a dreadful carbon impact: it took 25 motorhomes, staff so plane tickets.It finally appeared to me impossible, he said.In addition, no one could have identified there.»»
Our man had therefore folded up on a more ethical record: the world tour without assistance (established at 123 days).No motorhome, no staff, an almost zero carbon footprint, that was both heard and affordable.The routers would have worked remotely, the financial partner (IAD France real estate network) had validated the budget, physical preparation had started.And the covid invited himself, the borders closed for the first time.
Face his fear of the cold
When he does not pedal, Arnaud Manzanini feeds his Ultratalk podcast, where he talks with other specimens of his adventurous species.It is by listening to the ultra-trailer Vanessa Morales tell his crossing of Lapland that he remembers having been so cold, to the point of curling the crisis of anxiety, at the Col de la Bonnette."I wondered why I had not only so cold, but so fear.So, I said to myself, that's what I have to do: confront the cold, he explains.And, unable to roll around the world, I decide to climb full north, towards its summit in a way.»»
Arnaud Manzanini a croisé peu de monde (quelques villageois peu diserts) mais cette rencontre-là valait le détour. (Q.Iglesis)Let's move on to the various changes in the project, subject to fluctuating health provisions. D'abord décidé à rallier le Cap Horn, l'ultra-cycliste se « contentera»» d'un raid de six jours et 800 km en Suède, entre la frontière finlandaise fermée et celle norvégienne fermée.Guarantees: the very cold cold experience and the northern lights.He added the services of a specialist: Stéphane Michel, guide-accompanist and creator of Nord Exploration.
« Je me suis demandé dans quoi je m'étais lancé !»»
Arnaud Manzanini
At this time of year, the country was snowy.Only national roads are practicable, but made dangerous by traffic and poor visibility.Vehicles raise clouds of snow in which a cyclist disappears, to say nothing of the night falling at 3:00 p.m..So you have to take the secondary roads, but drive on the snow and the ice.So review your copy for wheels and tires. À Luleå, le vélociste local lui fait savoir que ses pneus clous sont « bien pour rouler en ville»» ! Alors il opte pour des roues de 650, chaussées de pneus de 48 mm de section à 4 rangs de clous.
"Rolling on ice snow requires a big traction effort," says Manzanini.I rolled at an average of 20.5 km/h on the first day, and about 18.5 the following.From a steering point of view, it's a funny feeling, a little floating.After the 120 km of the first day, I was destroyed, stamped throughout the upper body: arms, pectoral, lumbar. Je me suis demandé dans quoi je m'étais lancé !»»
A funny psychic state
Over the days and the ascent to the north, from Luleå to Riksgränsen, the temperatures will descend.Minus 21 ° C at the start.Upon arrival in Gällivare, on the evening of the second stage, the hotelier remains mouth in front of this man with a beard taken of ice cubes, who has just traveled 140 km by bike.Day after day, in the sparkling white and blue of paradise follow the purple light then the dark night, and the dangerously hypnotic dance of the flakes in the beacon of the lighthouse.Arnaud Manzanini sees the laundry pines scrolling, and crosses reindeer.Crosses some villages with rare mutical walkers.
Le Cap Nord étant inaccessible, pour cause de frontière fermée, le périple s'est achevé à Riksgränsen. (Q.Iglesis)The thermometer threatens, descends.Minus 27 ° C, soon - 30 ° C.Stéphane Michel is worried about whether he still feels his feet. « Le froid, ça va très vite»», prévient-il.Even inside the car, the bottles freeze.Every two and a half hours, he takes a little hot soup break.But soon, at - 32 ° C (while the temperature felt by a moving cyclist is around -42 ° C!) He no longer wants to drink...What cold water!
With the lost degrees, Arnaud Manzanini does not feel like they are colder, but to change psychic state. « J'ai compris que ça ne rigolait plus et curieusement je me suis senti dans le même état que lors des traversées du désert, par 50°C, lors de la RAAM»», constate-t-il.It is equipped with a Core Body Temp sensor which informs it about its body temperature on the surface, and in depth.
By driving, his skin was 32.5 ° C
When riding, his skin is 32.5 ° C, but the internal temperature between 38 and 38.5 ° C.When it stops, this gap is reduced: 34 ° C on the surface but 37 ° C internally.In both cases, ambiguity of being and having it: being hot and being cold."The conclusion that I draw may seem simplistic," says the utra-cyclist, "but I have experienced it: movement keeps us alive, and immobility weakens us.»»
publié le 8 février 2021 à 13h12
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