By akademiotoelektronik, 20/01/2023
The 5 best Mobile 2022 insurance - Mobile Test & Comparison Insurance
What is mobile insurance?
Any insurance relating to the guarantee of a smartphone is called mobile insurance.Mobile insurance may concern the phone of an individual, as is that of a professional or a company.Mobile insurance thus covers any damage like theft, loss or other claims.
Nevertheless, it is up to the insured to subscribe to the type of contract which suits him most.The best insurance includes the majority of claims.However, all smartphone insurance contracts are therefore not identical: a contract can stipulate different clauses (flight, breakage, etc..) where the insured is reimbursed or compensated.
Who is it intended for?
Smartphone insurance is intended for anyone, physical or legal, who wants to be spared damage caused on his smartphone.It can be contracted at the time of purchase of your phone.In this case, mobile insurance is taken out via your operator or the store from whom you bought it.
This insurance can also be taken out directly from a company of your choice.Comprising different types including theft, loss, breakage or damage to the battery, mobile insurance is accompanied by a commitment from the insurer.
The commitment thus relates to the repair or replacement of the device provided.
L’avantage, avec une telle assurance, est de permettre – pour certains assureurs – de changer l’objet assuré sans paiement de frais supplémentaires.How does mobile insurance work?
After signing the insurance contract, the insured is guaranteed in the event of a claim on his mobile phone.To benefit from compensation, it is necessary to bring the necessary supporting documents according to the type of claim.For the flight, a complaint must therefore be filed with the competent authority.
This is what will constitute the declaration of claim to be transmitted to the insurer organization.It will then be up to the company to carry out the analyzes before reimbursing the insured.
Le remboursement peut se faire par le biais d’un remplacement, s’il s’agit d’un vol ou une réparation, en cas de casse.Advantages and areas of application
As is insurance, its main advantage is thus based on protection.Subscribe to mobile insurance means that its owner wants to protect himself from the repair or replacement fees.In this way, the best time for subscription is that of buying your smartphone.
Nevertheless, you can always compare the various tests and customer reviews before subscribing.In addition, subscription to better mobile insurance can be advantageous for people who have spent a large sum for the purchase of a smartphone or those who have to leave theirs in a place relatively exposed to theft.
For professionals and companies for example, a smartphone is a work tool whose loss can cause many inconveniences.
What types of mobile insurance is there?
The comparison that we have established presents the different types of smartphone insurance that exist today.To save you time and support you in your selection of the best insurance for your mobile phone, here are the different types of mobile insurance:
L’assurance vol
The first type of guarantee that we present to you and the most common on the market concerns theft.When the insured suffered the flight of his device, he can claim the reimbursement of the price thereof or his replacement.In the case of a flight, the owner does not have to justify himself as to the context of the flight.
It is only necessary that the documents which constitute the declaration of claim to be correctly completed.This is a real advantage for an owner who has not been able to be vigilant enough.However, carrying out such a complaint with police services can take time.The insured must then wait for a while before being compensated.
Advantages :
L’assurance casse
It may happen that the phone is undergoing shocks, like when falling for example.This can therefore easily break, or at least be strongly damaged.Casse insurance is therefore the second type of mobile insurance that has collected the most customer reviews and has been the subject of several tests.
Casse insurance is a warranty which covers, most of the time, damage caused to the screen.This is, by far, the best insurance for adolescents and young people who are more exposed to this kind of inconvenience.However, this does not always include oxidation.
Advantages :
L’assurance oxydation
If the phone is damaged following the action of the water or another liquid, the insurer can repair or replace it, depending on the extent of the damage caused.For this, the owner must have subscribed to an oxidation insurance.
This is included in the comparison that we have established to offer you the best warranty solution for your smartphone.In this case, you can be compensated if your mobile phone has fallen into the water.
The advantage with this type of insurance is that it can cover what the manufacturer does not reimburse by its warranty.
Advantages :
L’assurance tous risques
As its name suggests, all risks is that which covers all risks likely to be incurred by the smartphone.This implies both flight insurance, oxidation insurance, breakage insurance and even hacking insurance.As a result, its cost is relatively higher compared to other types of insurance.
In short, all -risk insurance is more profitable for phones purchased at a high price or those used for professional purposes.
Advantages :
L’assurance multi-produits
Our comparison also describes multi-production insurance.This mainly concerns families who use several mobile phones.In addition to covering smartphones for each family member, multi-product insurance also relates to other technological devices.
If the insurer can reimburse or replace smartphones and other devices, it requires strict rules with regard to compensation clauses.
Advantages :
Information on the 7 main service providers
We wanted to establish for you a list presenting the 7 main mobile insurance companies in France.
Implantée à Paris, Meilleure Garantie est l’une des sociétés d’assurance proposant une assurance mobile. Créée dans les années 2000, la société est une marque de qui s’est focalisée dans les meilleures offres de garantie pour les téléphones mobiles. Elle propose plusieurs options dont les 3 meilleures offres sont Premium, Comfort et Family. La formule Premium peut couvrir jusqu’à 4 sinistres par an. Elle concerne la garantie en cas de casse, d’oxydation et le vol. L’offre Comfort couvre à hauteur de 3 sinistres pendant une année. N’incluant pas le vol, l’offre Comfort couvre la casse et l’oxydation. La meilleure offre que Meilleure Garantie peut offrir reste certainement la formule Family. Celle-ci peut couvrir jusqu’à 4 sinistres pour 4 mobiles différents. Outre le vol, la casse et l’oxydation, elle couvre aussi l’utilisation frauduleuse de votre smartphone.Mises en place à partir de 1984, les assurances Carrefour font partie des produits du groupe Carrefour. Les assurances Carrefour ne disposent que d’une seule offre. Avec un plafond de 650 euros par an, celle-ci représente l’une des plus souscrites depuis 2012. En effet, elle couvre à la fois le vol, la casse et l’oxydation. N’incluant pas les autres risques encourus par le téléphone mobile, la couverture de l’offre semble plutôt élargie étant donné qu’elle couvre le vol, le vol avec agression, le vol à la tire, le vol avec effraction ainsi que le vol à la sauvette. L’assurance mobile présentée par les assurances Carrefour a reçu beaucoup d’avis positifs de la part des clients. Toutefois, son plafond étant moins élevé, certains tests ont permis de dégager que les utilisateurs qui ont investi une somme conséquente pour leur téléphone mobile préfèrent opter pour d’autres compagnies.Cette compagnie est maintenant rattachée à Altice depuis son rachat en 2014, après avoir été rachetée en premier lieu par Vivendi en 2011. Mais avant ces rachats, SFR a d’abord été créée par la Compagnie Générale des Eaux au cours de l’année 1987. Spécialisée dans la branche de la télécommunication, SFR ne se limite pas uniquement à la vente de téléphones mobiles et de connexion à haut débit. Cette société a récemment investi dans l’assurance mobile pour assurer ses clients en cas de sinistre. La particularité des offres de SFR repose surtout sur le fait que la société n’offre ses garanties qu’aux clients possédant un forfait SFR. Les assurances peuvent couvrir le vol, l’oxydation, les dommages accidentels et les utilisations frauduleuses du smartphone. SFR propose 7 différentes offres d’assurance dont le plafond et la couverture diffèrent d’une offre à l’autre. Il appartient donc à l’assuré de choisir l’offre qui lui convient selon la valeur de son téléphone.La Société Française d’Assurance Multirisques ou SFAM a vu le jour en 1999. Son essor sur le territoire français est survenu environ 10 ans plus tard. La société est basée à Romans-sur-Isère où elle a toujours offert ses services d’assurance mobile dédiée spécialement aux appareils technologiques dont les téléphones mobiles, les multimédia et les objets connectés. Actuellement, elle propose différentes offres d’assurance mobile. La formule SMALL, plafonnée à 200 euros par an, couvre la casse, l’oxydation, le vol et les communications frauduleuses et ce, pour un seul sinistre. Les mêmes conditions sont couvertes par l’offre PREMIER dont le plafond s’élève à 350 euros. Pour un échange par an et des réparations à nombre illimité, la société offre la formule SERENITE dont le plafond s’élève à 500 euros. Avec la formule MUST, l’assuré bénéficie de 2 échanges par an pour un plafond de 1250 euros. La plus complète de toutes, l’offre INFINITY, avec un plafond de 2000 euros, couvre tous les risques y compris la perte.Comptant plusieurs décennies d’existence depuis sa création en 1988, la société Orange fait partie des leaders du secteur de la télécommunication. Sa forte présence en Europe, en Afrique ainsi qu’aux Antilles a jalonné son parcours. L’assurance affinitaire compte parmi les offres de la société. Celle-ci a pour principal but de garantir les mobiles de ses clients. Aujourd’hui, Orange offre 5 formules de garantie à ses clients. Les offres d’assurance chez Orange concernent non seulement les appareils mobiles achetés chez elle mais aussi ceux achetés ailleurs. Chaque offre couvre l’oxydation, le vol et les communications frauduleuses ou piratages. Il appartient à l’assuré de choisir celle qui lui semble la plus adaptée en tenant compte de la valeur de son téléphone. La société collabore avec un peu plus de 250 millions de clients.L’entreprise Darty, dont le siège social se trouve à Ivry-sur-Seine, est l’une des sociétés offrant les meilleures garanties à ses clients. Fondée en 1957, celle-ci s’est d’abord illustrée sur le marché de la distribution d’appareils électroménagers et d’appareils technologiques. Face à un besoin grandissant, Darty propose désormais des assurances pour téléphones mobiles et autres appareils numériques. Chaque assuré peut être couvert jusqu’à 2 sinistres par an pour un plafond de 2000 euros. Il existe 2 formules d’assurance smartphone chez Darty. ESSENTIELLE concerne la garantie du téléphone en cas d’oxydation ou de dommages accidentels tandis que PREMIUM couvre tous types de vol, et assure également le propriétaire en cas d’oxydation, de casse ou de communications frauduleuses.Compagnie spécialisée dans l’assurance scolaire, la Mutuelle Assurance Éducation s’est récemment étendue sur l’assurance smartphone et l’assurance des appareils technologiques. Cette société siège à Rouen offre une garantie unique pour les téléphones mobiles de moins de 3 ans et dont la valeur n’excède pas 400 euros. L’offre est également valable pour les autres appareils technologiques nomades. Les ordinateurs portables et tablettes sont ainsi couverts s’ils ont moins de 5 ans. À chaque sinistre, une franchise d’une valeur de 30 euros est prévue chez MAE. Si cette garantie unique couvre la casse, l’oxydation et le vol, elle exclut cependant la perte. Cette formule n’est donc pas bénéfique pour ceux qui ont tendance à négliger leur appareil mobile.What services or options are generally included in the service?
Whatever its type, smartphone insurance is accompanied by various options to ensure positive opinions from its customers.Also, in mobile insurance, the following few services are generally included in the offer: new re -equipment and fraudulent communications (or hacking).
Most of the best market guarantees offer new re -equipment where the company undertakes to transmit to the insured a new device with all the options and features of the stolen or damaged device.In the majority of cases, the insurer offers this option once a year, especially when the owner is stolen from his mobile phone.
If the device has been broken or damaged, the repair is at the insurer's expense provided that it can allow the device to find its original characteristics.Otherwise, the company is obliged to provide it with a new phone with the same characteristics.
Regarding fraudulent uses, it means a financial and legal guarantee for the insured.It is generally the costs of lawyers which are covered by this option.
What are the options available- in general?
In order to offer you the best comparison, we have considered it useful to expose you the options that are generally available in a mobile insurance offer.These include replacing the device.
The insurer makes another phone available to the insured so that he can use it, while hers is repaired or replaced.According to many tests, the majority of formulas include replacement.
The opinions are nevertheless disparate as to the fact that some companies take time before proceeding there.In addition to temporary replacement, the exchange of the insured product has also aroused positive opinions.
Different offers offer the possibility of exchanging the insured product at the COURS of the contract.Thus, the owner can take out the same insurance for a new phone by exchanging it for the old.This option is particularly beneficial for formulas which include the seniority of the device provided in the contract.
When and how to subscribe to mobile insurance?
The establishment of this comparison is based on various collections of tests and consumer opinions.This allows us to establish an idea of the ideal moment to subscribe to mobile insurance.
The best option is to ensure your mobile phone as soon as it is purchased.Indeed, technological devices such as laptops experience a frantic and extremely rapid evolution.Which makes them quickly lose their value once a new range has come out.In this way, it should not be long in taking out mobile insurance.
Another reason that justifies this lies in the fact that nomadic devices, the laptop in this case, are subject to different accidents.It can therefore happen that your phone is damaged quickly.Regarding the subscription, you can start by collecting opinions on this or that insurer before concluding.
Any insurance contract therefore takes effect that the IMEI of the insured phone as well as the email address of the insured are registered with the company.In view of the tests carried out on both sides, the mobile insurance contract differs from one company to another, its duration, the options and services included as well as the amount of the ceiling.
Mais pour que le contrat soit transparent, l’assuré doit se munir de la pièce justifiant la valeur de son téléphone afin que la compagnie puisse l’évaluer.Subscribe online or offline?
Subscribe to smartphone insurance can be done online, via the Internet, or directly in agency.Boutiques can also offer a guarantee on the phone, it is different from affinity insurance offered by insurance companies.The best solution remains undoubtedly, the online subscription, because it allows in particular to save precious time.
In this case, no need to make an appointment with your agent, you can do everything online.The other main advantage of online subscription is the possibility of easily comparing the different offers in order to choose the most suitable for your needs.
How to compare the various mobile insurance offers?
Although subscription to mobile insurance should be done as quickly as possible, you still have to make sure to find the best offer upstream.For this, you have to know how to compare the different existing offers.
The elements to be taken into account are the price, the ceiling, the deadlines, the guarantees, the franchises, the exclusions without forgetting customer service.In order to see the rate of insurance, it is essential to make a quote.It is also possible to use opinions issued by customers who have already used the offer.
The ceiling does not only concern the amount to which the insurer undertakes to compensate you, the number of claims per year is also to be seen closely in order to guarantee the best quality/price ratio.The replacement or repair period is a point regularly mentioned in customer opinions as one of the main criteria for choosing mobile insurance.
It is important to opt for a company offering a correct delay.In the majority of cases, the guarantees offered for an insurance formula differ depending on the price, and therefore the claims covered.Furthermore, several studies have attested that franchises are a special criterion in comparing mobile insurance offers.If some companies offer prices with franchises, others recommend payment of deductibles if the claim is not liable for their responsibility.The exclusions form as many criteria to be studied in the comparison.
Enfin, une offre considérée comme meilleure qu’une autre, ne l’est pas parce qu’elle coûte moins cher, mais parce qu’elle dispose d’un service client au chevet de ses assurés de jour comme de nuit.What should I be careful at the time of the change or conclusion of mobile insurance?
After choosing the company with which you will contract mobile insurance for your smartphone, you must be attentive as to the following points.
Whether at the time of subscription or change of your insurance contract, be sure to understand the ins and outs of the contract so that everything is perfectly clear.
Indeed, it is very important to keep informed about the conditions of change or conclusions, and on the presence of possible additional costs for example.You will therefore attest to the reliability of the company before subscribing.
Additional links and sources
Why ensure your mobile phone?
Ensuring your mobile phone prevents unforeseen expenses while keeping a phone with the same characteristics and features.Mobile insurance is beneficial for reckless or clumsy people.
How to find reliable mobile insurance?
Finding reliable mobile insurance amounts to relying on comparators who have the results of different tests and collections.
Is payment of contributions compulsory to be able to benefit from a refund in the event of a claim?
Yes, contributions are compulsory for lack of which the insurer will not carry out compensation in the event of a claim.
What is the best option for smartphone insurance?
All risk insurance is the best option.However, it is possible to subscribe to the offer that suits you most depending on your budget.
Could I be sure that the insurer pays compensation in the event of claims?
To be certain compensation, you have to know how to choose a reliable company.Different tests can testify to the reliability of a company.There are also online comparators where you can compare companies that have received customer reviews.
When should you subscribe to mobile insurance for your smartphone?
The ideal remains to subscribe to mobile insurance as soon as it is purchased.It must be said that affinity insurance is different from a manufacturer's warranty.
When should you declare the claim to the insurance company?
The declaration of claim must be made within 3 days of the flight and 5 days for breakage or oxidation.
When is it easy to terminate an insurance contract for a mobile phone?
The insured may terminate his insurance contract at any time.Only a contract of less than a year is easier to terminate.
What differentiates breakage insurance and oxidation?
Casse insurance covers the mobile phone when it is broken, damaged.It is said that it is an oxidation insurance when the compensation concerns repairs following an impairment of the phone by the action of a liquid (water or other).
Is it possible to file a complaint if the insurer does not want to compensate in the event of a claim?
In this case, you must join the consumer association if you want to find a compromise with the company.A legal proceedings may also be necessary if no agreement is found.
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