By akademiotoelektronik, 22/08/2022
Science Talks are [Women] Talks #1 - Artificial intelligence and gender biases?[in]
Worldwide, 33% of scientific researchers are women.According to UNESCO, from the age of 6, girls already consider boys as being more likely to be brilliant and more suitable for activities for "really very intelligent" people than their own genre.What can we do to improve this situation?Is the situation the same in all scientific fields?What does it mean to be a woman in the sciences in 2021?"Science Talks are [Women] Talks" is a series of conferences designed by the French Consulate General in Hong Kong andMacao, with the support of the Hku Women in Science andGoineering organization, to open the discussion around specific problemsworld of science, through the experience of women who are part of it.For the first conference of the series, we will focus on a topical subject in Hong Kong and around the world: Artificial Intelligence (AI). En mars, nous avons eu la chance de discuter de l’IA avec des experts hongkongais et français à l’occasion de la French AI & Data Week @HKU.This time, a gender approach is used to discuss the field of research of AI.To approach these pressing questions, the City University of Hong Kong and the French Consulate General invited Dr. Rosa Chan and Dr Flora Vincent, two experts in the field, to share their experience and question the impact of the genre about applicationsAI in research fields such as marine microbiology and neuroscience.REGISTER NOW !
Detailed program: The periods below correspond to the Hong Kong15h00 time zone-15:10 PM |Welcoming Address
•Mr. Benjamin CABOUAT, Cooperation and Cultural Action Advisor, Consulate General of France in Hong Kong andMacao • Prof Christian Wanger, Provost of the City University of Hong Kong 3:10 p.m. - 3:55 p.m. |Discussion • Prof. Jiangping Wang, Assistant Provost (Strategic Planning and Quality Assurance), City University of Hong Kong•Questions d’ouverture sur le thème de l’IA/biais de genre et des applications en santé humaine•Discussion autour de la position des femmes dans l’IAModératrice :•Dr Inez Zwetsloot, Professeur Assistant, Département de Design et Ingénierie des Systèmes de la City University of Hong Kong Intervenantes : •Dr Chan Rosa HoMan, Professeur Associé au Département d’Ingénierie Electrique de la City University of Hong Kong, experte en neurosciences computationnelles et applications d’interface cerveau-ordinateur•Dr Flora Vincent, Chercheuse Postdoctorale à l’Institut Weizmann des sciences, co-auteur d’un livre sur le genre et l’intelligence artificielle et cofondatrice de WAX Science15h55 – 16h25 | Q&A•Profitez de cette occasion pour poser vos questions aux intervenants !REGISTER NOW !QUAND :28 septembre 2021HEURE : 15h00 - 16h15 (HK) / 09h00 - 10h15 (FR) OÙ :En ligne via ZoomLANGUE :AnglaisINSCRIPTION : https://cityu.zoom.US/Webinar/Register/WN_JLGSJZJERISW036FDTNLBGGG
About stakeholders
Dr Flora Vincent Flora is a scientist specializing in marine microbiology.She is currently working at the Weizmann Institute in Israel, where she studies the impact of giant viruses on the marine ecosystem.At the same time, it was particularly involved in the subject of the representation of genres in science by co -founding Wax Science with Dr Aude Bernheim.This is a non -profit organization that promotes science without stereotypes by creating and disseminating innovative tools.She is co-author of the book Artificial Intelligence, not without them!(Belin, 2019) which explores how algorithms reproduce sexist biases.
Dr Rosa H.M.Chanrosa is currently a associate professor at the City University of Hong Kong ElectricGoineering Department.His research focuses on computational neuroscience, neural prostheses and brain-computer interface applications.She got the B.Go.(1st.) in automation and computer assisted engineering from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2003.She then obtained the CROUCHER study scholarship and the SIR Edward Youde commemorative scholarship for studies abroad in 2004.She obtained her doctorate in biomedical engineering in 2011 at the University of Southern California (USC), where she also obtained a master's degree in biomedical engineering, electrical engineering and aerospace engineering.Its laboratory builds computer tools to better understand the functioning of the brain.Elle a été corécipiendaire du prix Outstanding Paper Award de l’IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and RehabilitationGoineering en 2013, pour ses percées en matière de recherche sur la modélisation mathématique de l’hippocampe pour le développement de prothèses cognitives. Le Dr Chan a été la présidente du chapitre conjoint Hong Kong-Macau de la société IEEEGoineering inMedicine and Biology Society (EMBS) en 2014.She was elected to the IEEE EMBS Administrative Committee (ADCOM) as a representative of the Asia-Pacific Region (2018-2023). Le Dr Chan est actuellement membre du comité de rédaction du Journal of NeuralGoineering, et rédactrice en chef de l’Encyclopedia Brain publiée par IEEE-Wiley.
Dr. Inez Zwetslootinez is assistant professor at the City University of Hong Kong (Cityu) in the Department of Advanced Design and Systems Engineering.She obtained her doctorate in industrial and commercial statistics at the University of Amsterdam (UVA) in 2016.His current research focuses on data science for engineering systems, with an emphasis on quality and monitoring of processes.She is particularly interested in the use of data to improve business and the quality problem.She is also a member of the Cityu data science school, as well as the UVA.
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