By akademiotoelektronik, 24/02/2023

The B2B sharing revolution |Terra nova

This economy experienced a strong acceleration during the Pandemic of COVID-19, because of the emergencies that all the actors were confronted.What we have learned in this ordeal can and must prosper in the future.B2B sharing, of potential value of several trillions of euros, could reinvent entire sectors.

Suspending reflexes of hoarding and generalized competition, B2B sharing draws a positive path not only for companies that will be able to move there, but also for companies that will accelerate it and for the ecological transition in which they arecommitted.

Known for its founding work on frugal innovation, Navi Radjou offers here a panoramic vision of this B2B sharing economy by inscribing its different dimensions in a taxonomy and a "maturity model" which allow each company to be astonished and'Consider new development possibilities.This approach is accompanied by a host of experiences carried out in France as abroad, internationally and at the infra-national level (in territories, regions, etc.).

La révolution du partage B2B | Terra Nova

Navi Radjou then releases the many potential benefits of this B2B sharing economy for social inclusion, the environment or health, especially if we know how to go from Smart Sharing (smart sharing) to Wise Sharing (Sage Sharing).But to pick the fruits of this new dynamic without delay, it will not be enough to encourage companies to do themselves: it is necessary to push the public authorities to accelerate the movement.For this, 10 innovative proposals are addressed to the French government.
