By akademiotoelektronik, 10/01/2023
A Russian attack submarine identified off 2-CAPS
Ce n’est pas la première fois qu’un sous-marin russe est détecté en Sleeve dans l’histoire récente...
4kpartagesParnord Littoral |
4kpartagespartagertwitterLe sous-marin n’était pas visible, mais il a bien traversé le détroit.Samedi, un sous-marin russe est passé au large de la Sleeve.Obviously, he did not appear on the cards, but his tug yes: the SB Prof Nikolay Muru.And some observers have been able to observe it in the waters off 2-CAPS in particular.
Not the first time
The Russian submarine in question (Novorossiysk) is around 70 meters long.It comes from the third generation of diesel-electric submarines, known to be the quietest in the world.With an immersion depth around 300 meters for 45 days.Novorossiysk is one of the most dreaded Russian attack submarines due to its discretion.This building carries 4 Kalibr missiles, 18 torpedoes and 24 mines
This is not the first time that a Russian submarine has borrowed this journey.In May 2017, the Krasnodar, one of the most recent Russian Diesel-Electric Propulsion Submarines, had been detected off the United Kingdom in the North Sea and was spinned by the Royal Navy during its crossingStrait of Pas-de-Calais.
Last July, rebelote.The Russian submarine had been escorted by HMS Mersey to the North Sea, passing through the Strait of Pas-de-Calais.In a press release, Captain of Corvette Will Edwards-Bannon, commander of the HMS Mersey, had then praised "the flawless coordination between the Allied ships and the aircraft of various countries involved in this operation" and indicated that his ship had "onceIn addition, successfully played in the protection of the interests of (our) nation ".
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