By akademiotoelektronik, 30/07/2022

Loire-Atlantique: from Paris to Hawaii, their drones fly in the most beautiful places in the world

Par Léo GautretPublié lemis à jour le 2 Oct 21 à 19:16
L'Éclaireur de Châteaubriant
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Entrer dans l’intimité d’œuvres monumentales ; offrir un voyage aérien au milieu des plus beaux paysages du monde. L’avènement des drones et de leurs images à couper le souffle a chamboulé le monde de l’audiovisuel. Une révolution technique et artistique enclenchée au début des années 2010 par une poignée d’avant-gardistes comme Michael Gisselere et Christelle Bozzer, qui ont décidé de s’installer avec leur « bébé » Freeway Drone, à Châteaubriant (Loire-Atlantique).Loire-Atlantique : de Paris à Hawaï, leurs drones volent dans les plus beaux endroits du monde Loire-Atlantique : de Paris à Hawaï, leurs drones volent dans les plus beaux endroits du monde

Of the United Nations in Hollywood

Their aerial history starts twelve years ago.At the time, Michael was already carrying an impressive baggage."At my 17th birthday, I went to New York to make a documentary with a boyfriend.I met a photographer who offered to accompany him during a mission in Central America.»»

The young reporter leaves CRAPAHUTER in the Equatorial Forest in Guatemala and Nicaragua."My work pleased them.They were summoned to the United Nations to present their project and they invited me.»» Après une deuxième expérience pour une autre ONG, Michael retourne en France, où il enclenche une carrière de journaliste reporter d’images.He made his arms to M6, TF1, LCI, with a dream in mind: "Make a film school in the United States.»»

His dream materializes before the thirties.He then takes off for Los Angeles.Then fate gets involved."I won my Green Card (1) playing the lottery.I stopped my training.I told myself that there was an opportunity to take.»» Le Graal en poche, Canal + lui déploie le tapis rouge.At the Hollywood bedside, he notably produced a documentary on David Lynch.American channels also call on him.

Loire-Atlantique : de Paris à Hawaï, leurs drones volent dans les plus beaux endroits du monde

After three and a half years in the USA and numerous round trips between Paris and Los Angeles, Michael Gisselere finally decides to return to the country."All my childhood heroes were in front of me, so I did it, I could return to France.I also missed the four seasons.»»

He then moved to Paris where he met Christelle Bozzer in 2003, with whom he will set up his business in 2009, Freeway Prod.Former manager and financial analyst, she manages the many administrative and economic aspects of the company.Then starts a long world tour for various TV programs (Sagas, Turbo, E = M6, Télématin)."We won beautiful contracts, we made all travel reports for nine years worldwide.I made a long-haul trip every month.»»

Take off with the Tour de France

In 2010, their history took altitude."I needed air shots and I said to myself, instead of renting it to a provider, we are going to buy a drone and follow a training in Germany.»» À l’époque, l’autonomie de vol des drones ne dépassait pas 1 minute 30.Enough to seduce France Television."I show my first images to the editor -in -chief of Télématin and he finds it great.»» Mais les balbutiements de cette nouvelle technologie, qui occasionnait à l’époque de nombreuses chutes très couteuses, amènent le couple d’entrepreneurs à remettre cette activité en question.

"We were shooting in Chambord.We said that if the drone fell, we stopped, because we could not invest too much and repair, even if we had the chills by making the images.»» Finalement le tournage se passe sans accroc.It is broadcast on France 2, when the organizers of the Tour de France discover the images before contacting Freeway Drone."They wanted to mark the occasion for the 100th edition of the Tour.»» Amaury Sport Organisation (ASO) leur commande 15 pastilles pour mettre en lumière le patrimoine.

Parents of two children, Michael Gisselere and Christelle Bozzer start a new life in Châteaubriant, where they plan to move their company.The little family was even able to discover the Béré fair."We came, we looked at and found that the city of Châteaubriant was very welcoming for us and our family.We are at the gates of Brittany, it is a region where we also want to develop.»»

After many years to go through the world, the cameraman intends to stay in France."The most beautiful landscapes are with us.With each shoot, we tell ourselves that we are going to have been around, and no, still not.We are always amazed.»» Le pays de la Mée n’en demandait pas tant.

(1) Carte de résident permanent aux États-Unis. (2) Système stabilisateur de prise de vues.

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