By akademiotoelektronik, 10/08/2022
How to prevent drowning and develop aquatic ease
Entre 2015 et 2018, les noyades accidentelles ont augmenté de 30 %. Un chiffre inquiétant d’autant que les noyades sont la première cause de mortalité par accident chez les moins de 6 ans. Afin de prévenir les noyades, a été mis en place le plan « Aisance Aquatique », programme destiné à donner aux enfants les bases nécessaires pour être en sécurité en milieu aquatique tout en les sensibilisant aux plaisirs de l’eau.
By the Ministry of Sports
A positive experience of water which is the first step in learning swimming
The "aquatic ease" plan was initiated in April 2019 by the Minister of Sports Roxana Maracineanu with the Ministries of National Education and Youth, Interior and Health.It offers a renovated approach to the aquatic environment and advances concrete solutions to facilitate familiarization with water from an early age, promote learning swimming and, thus, better preventing the risks of drowning.
Aquatic ease is to be distinguished from the learning of swimming and codified swimming.This apprenticeship is intended for 4-6 year olds in school, extracurricular or extracurricular.Aquatic ease consists of knowing how to enter the water without panicking, moving with the submerged head, without land support or aid equipment for float, and to be able to get out of water.
Aquatic ease is defined as a "positive experience of water that bases the ability to act in a diversity of situations encountered in aquatic environment"."Blue classes" are thus organized in school for children aged 4 to 6 "in the form of an internship" with 8 sessions in the water, spread over 1 or 2 weeks depending on the case.It is an intensive learning, which aims to densify the sessions by increasing the effective time in water, without equipment to help flower, thanks to an appropriate active pedagogy.
Learning to float can be done with your family
After 10 years spent implementing a new educational method inspired by the work of Raymond Catteau, Roxana Maracineanu wanted to transmit basic learning to families directly to know how to float.Thanks to didactic and fun mini-vidos, parents will find gestures and movements to make step by step with their child in the pool.The acquisition of these basics will allow by simple gestures to make the child at ease in the water to prevent accidents, fight against aquaphobia and facilitate the subsequent learning of swimming techniques.
More info: https: // www.sports.gouv.FR/Preventiondesnoyades/Article/Aquatic-Aquatic-1ere-Etape
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