By akademiotoelektronik, 02/08/2022
Dinan.Military districts: twenty years later, we see the end
After the residence of the officers, David Rondel, architect-designer of Jersey, and his company BDL France, are currently continuing their rehabilitation work in the district of the old military barracks, now called Europe, in Dinan (Côtes-d 'Armor).
For several months, the two old barns, where the hay was stored for horses, have been in the middle of the site, with, at the baguette, local businesses. Nom du projet : Le clos des officiers, pour rester dans l’esprit
, indique Brian Murphy. Chacune des deux granges abritera 13 appartements, allant du T2 au T5, sur trois niveaux.
Delivery is expected for April 2022 and September 2022, a gap of a few months existing between the two barns.In charge of marketing, René Soquet, of the real estate agency of the same name, specifies that there are only two lots left: two T4 of 110 m² located on the ground floor, with a garden of 300 m² (price: 411000 €).
The last barn soon under construction
Of the four old barns, only one awaiting work, the closest to the Sarajevo theater. Elle va aussi être transformée à partir de janvier 2022
, annonce Brian Murphy, la société BDL s’occupant également de ce projet, cette fois-ci appelé Les bureaux des officiers.
Comme son nom l’indique, cet espace accueillera des bureaux et sera exclusivement réservé pour des professions libérales. Nous avons déjà une petite dizaine d’entreprises du coin intéressées »,
remarque Brian Murphy.Marketed by the Advenis Immobilier agency, these 1,100 m² of offices on three levels should be delivered in the first half of 2023.
For the Beaumanoir barracks, "you have to be patient"
The Granges closed file, there will still be a big one to deal with for the mixed economy company Dinan Expansion, which manages the transformation of the European district: the Beaumanoir bar and its 7,200 m².The project was entrusted to the Dinannais real estate developer Concept Ty in June. Ça avance,
assure Jacques Touminet à propos de la barre inoccupée depuis le départ des militaires, en 2001.Everything is long in real estate, you have to be patient.We go to the promise to sell.
In the mind of the deputy mayor for town planning, land affairs and housing, Dinan Expansion referent, work could be undertaken in late 2022, for marketing between 2024 and 2025. Il faut que ça corresponde au marché de Dinan, avec un équilibre entre habitat et activité économique,
note-t-il. On se dirige vers un projet en trois parties, avec de l’accession à la propriété dans une aile, du logement défiscalisant dans l’autre, et de l’activité économique dans la partie centrale et au rez-de-chaussée.
The Sarajevo theater will wait a bit
We have a very nice project for the Sarajevo theater. On attend le signal
, glisse Brian Murphy, de BDL France.Currently, the former merry -go -round where army riders, estimated at € 280,000, used as a warehouse for mother Pourcel's debris.And should welcome new ones from March 2022 with the deconstruction of the remains of the house ravaged by the flames.
Il aura cette utilité pendant les deux ou trois ans à venir
, observe Jacques Touminet. Espace culturel, sportif, économique ? Il y a plein de possibilités.But we will better understand the needs of the neighborhood once the barns and the Beaumanoir bar are finished.
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