By akademiotoelektronik, 28/09/2022

Mark Copy: the artificial intelligence that writes for you!

Write it takes time.And when you start your activity, it is often the time that is missing.This is why Mark Copy decided to help startups, agencies, and e-commerce to "scaler" their content creation in record time, thanks to artificial intelligence!It is possible to write any type of content: blog articles, product sheets, emails, advertisements and many others!Mark Copy therefore allows you to create quality content, optimized SEO, 3 times faster!

We receive today Selim Chehimi, Co-Founder and CEO of Mark Copy to tell us more about this innovative and intelligent solution!

Interview with Selim Chehimi, Co-Founder and CEO of Mark Copy

JUPDLC : Pouvez-vous nous présenter Mark Copy en quelques mots ?

Selim Chehimi: in 3 words: editorial assistant.Mark Copy is a tool that allows freelancers, entrepreneurs and companies to write marketing content 3 times faster.We have more than 20 templates to help you write more quickly: blog articles, social networks, emails, copywriting, landing page, and much more!

JUPDLC : Pourquoi avoir créé cet outil ?

Selim Chehimi: We must admit, writing content was not our strong.We understood its challenges: increased visibility, creation and commitment of a community, impact on SEO etc ... But none of us had the creativity of Adam Brotman, and even less with Molière pen.So we looked for a tool that would help us in this task.Tools were already available, but the most successful were English -speaking, then translated.We have built our 100% made in France tool.

Our first idea of Mark Copy was to be able to help against white page syndrome.It was one of the most recurring problems.We are increasingly pushed to produce content daily to have good visibility whether on social networks, on a blog or on an e-commerce site.Creativity cannot be improvised, there are days when we do not have the inspiration.This is why Mark's second goal is to develop our ideas by attacking other angles or deepening our reflection.


Mark Copy : l’intelligence artificielle qui rédige à votre place !

JUPDLC : Quel est votre parcours ?

Selim Chehimi: I have always been passionate about technology and programming.I learned to code video games when I was 12 years old and that led me to take an interest in computers afterwards.From 2015 to 2020, I studied in a computer engineering school.In parallel with my studies, I set up a marketing agency specializing in Facebook advertisements then I proposed to my partner Kilian to help e-commerce companies automate some of these advertisements to help e-merchantsto save time.This project did not work but allowed us to rotate on Mark Copy in 2021.

JUPDLC : Pouvez-vous nous dire quelques mots sur l’intelligence artificielle qui alimente Mark Copy ?

Selim Chehimi: the model that feeds Mark Copy is GPT-3.It is one of the most powerful models of machine learning that exists to date.The purpose of this model is to complete the sentences.For example if I put: "Today, I want ...", the model will look for the words according to.And it is by using this model that Mark Copy was born: the editorial assistant who completes your sentences and your ideas.At Mark we pay particular attention to French and try to bring all the subtleties of the language to the model, as well as our SEO world experience.

JUPDLC : Pensez-vous que dans un avenir proche, les tâches comme les articles de blog, les fiches produit, les emails, ou la publicité soient voués à être automatisés ?

Selim Chehimi: Yes but it is not our ambition because we place the quality before the quantity.We want to strengthen man/machine collaboration rather than replacing humans with Mark Copy.We believe that collaboration with Mark allows companies to be much more effective, to have ideas faster and therefore to increase their visibility.It is above all an editorial assistant therefore of a collaboration.It is as for translation: Google Translation exists and is very efficient but it does not mean that the translators have disappeared!

JUPDLC : Quelle place reste-t-il pour l’Homme ?

Selim Chehimi: We once asked Mark what he thought.One of the articles of I have a friend in the com echoed our daily life.We found his response very relevant:

"It's not imminent, and I don't think it happens one day.Today, humans and AI are complementary.But the AI remains anchored in something very mathematical.There is a limit to what it can do and it will never be like you.She will never be able to invent an algorithm or solve a problem.Because you have the capacity to solve problems, and AI does not have this capacity.»»

AI is more and more present in our world and we must tame this new world where man and machine work together.From our point of view, man will keep control over the high -added tasks.

JUPDLC : Comment est composé votre portefeuille client ?

Selim Chehimi: We work with different types of customers: freelancers (editors, copywriters), entrepreneurs who are struggling to create their landing page and posts Linkedin, marketing agencies that want to produce more blog articles, e-commerce storesWho want to produce quality product sheets and larger marketing teams who want to collaborate together with Mark.

JUPDLC : Comment appréhendez-vous la concurrence ?

Selim Chehimi: competition pushes us to surpass ourselves and we take it as a good sign: the demand is present.We see more and more competitors appearing in France, but none with our vision.We therefore have no concern vis-à-vis competition and are convinced that we will keep our place #1 in France.

JUPDLC : Comment se porte Mark Copy aujourd’hui ?

Selim Chehimi: Mark Copy is doing very well.We now have more than a hundred customers and have just exceeded € 5,000 in monthly income.We are also recruiting JS and Business Developer developers to accelerate our growth and improve our product!And above all: Mark Copy has become the content creation tool #1 in France!

JUPDLC : Quelles sont vos ambitions pour les années à venir ?

Selim Chehimi: We have a lot of ambitions.First, we want to build a big box to represent French Tech.And for that, we want to build a big team of ambitious and passionate people.

Then we want to extend all over the world.The SaaS (software as a service) allows us to extend very quickly.In the short term, we will extend everywhere in Europe to help companies produce content regardless of their language.

To find out more about Mark Copy, go to his dedicated page!

Mark Copy tool page
