By akademiotoelektronik, 09/07/2022

Management of social works: the other transition that nobody speaks (part 1)

We reproduce below the first part of a contribution from Nouredine Bouderba, specialist in work and business management, former member of the board of directors of the National Social Insurance Fund for Employees (CNAS) and the office of theFNTPGC-UGTA.

Social works represent a socialized, deferred salary.That is to say a complement to the salary appearing on the pay sheet which is paid into funds of social works, managed theoretically by the representatives of the workers that the latter elect and control.All of these funds must return to workers in the form of services and according to non -discriminatory criteria and pre -order previously according to the required and prioritized needs of workers.

Calculated, by myself, on the basis of the national payroll published by the ONS, the potential amount which should return to social works amounted to more than 160 billion DA (16,000 billion cents).

In practice, the amount that really goes to workers, estimated by myself, amounts, to the maximum, at 60 billion DA, including 13 billion paid to the CNR under early retirement and 13 other DA paid to theFNPOS under social housing.The rest, i.e. 34 billion DA is paid to funds from social works of employer organizations.

In other words, more than 100 billion DA (10,000 billion cents) which should return to workers, are diverted, each year, through the non -declaration of social security workers and the non -recognition of union and theRight of participation (absence of union bodies and participation committee) in the private sector but also by the non -payment of social works by certain public enterprises as well as by certain public administrations.

In the private sector, social works are practically absent and the corresponding sums are kept warm in the corners of entrepreneurs when they do not pay them to their own family heritage by various artifices.

In the public economic sector, social works are in many cases managed, without any control by workers, by unions in violation of the law which attribute this management exclusively to the participation committees.

In public administrations, with a few exceptions or members of the commissions of social works are elected directly by workers, this management is entrusted in many cases to commissions whose members are not elected but appointed by unions who do not represent, in all cases, all of the workers.

Gestion des œuvres sociales : l’autre transition dont personne ne parle (1re partie)

In all sectors control by workers is almost majority of cases, absent, internal financial and accounting control is often lacking and external control is only activated during scandals that cannot be stifled or when you want toAdjust the accounts to a unionist who disturbs or leaves the "established order".

As results, we often witness a diversion of social works from their vocation.Faramineous sums are spent in expensive activities that only benefit a minority to the detriment of the essential needs of workers in the fields of social assistance, health, education, sport, housing, etc.

This is the case for trips abroad, Omra and Hadj trips, significant sums of money blocked by loans for vehicles or expenses that have no vocation of social works.This is particularly the case for allocations during retirements granted in the education sector to all workers and executives whatever their wages and future retirement pensions, and who consume half of the budget.These latest allowances should be negotiated with the employer who it is up to the cost.

To these expenses without "social profitability", we must add the expenses of the Health Chapter which have exploded in recent years because of the growing needs, in this area, of workers and their families and the progressive disengagement of the State in health matterspublic and decrease in the real level of social security reimbursement of medical and medication costs.

In this chapter, the scams presented by the conventions of social works signed with private health establishments and the inadequacy between the billed prices and the services were presented.

Without experience and skills in the field of medical acts, managers of social works must, instead of the generalization of these conventions, develop their own health benefits by devoting part of the bone to investment andBy generalizing exchanges between social works in the different sectors.Conventions with private health establishments should only have passed with those already approved with social security organizations which have skills and negotiation capacity (in medical acts and corresponding prices) forNegotiate and sign these kinds of contracts.

Finally, the scourge of diversions, straight passes and the use of social workers and property of social works should be combated for personal or friends.


Created in 1996, its missions are to work, within the framework of solidarity, to the promotion of social housing and housing assistance, in favor of salaried workers.Most of its funding comes from the levy of a share of the budgets of social works (0.5 % out of 3 %, i.e. 1/6th of the budget).

After 23 years, the sums deducted, accumulated, are around 200 billion DA without this really affecting the number of workers benefiting from housing and housing.Malt management, opacity, passenger rooms often make the headlines of the press.

Aussi il est plus qu’utile de faire un véritable audit du FNPOS et de revoir ses missions, son fonctionnement et son financement. The FNPOS devrait fonctionner comme un fond de péréquation inter organisme , et être administré par les représentants des travailleurs qui doivent être désignés par l’ensemble des syndicats représentatifs et par les comités de participation. Il doit régulièrement rendre des comptes aux travailleurs. Les actions développées doivent l’être sous forme exclusive de prestations au profit des seuls travailleurs des organismes au sein desquels les œuvres sociales ne sont pas développés (petites entreprises, travailleurs en chômage etc…).

Its funding must be reduced accordingly and the difference must be donated to the bottom of the social works of organisms of origin.

Financing of early retirement

Established in 1994 within the framework of the structural adjustment program imposed by the IMF, early retirement is responsible for providing, for a limited period, workers who have been the subject of a collective dismissal for economic reasons, ofA retirement allowance financed by a subscription of workers and employers and by a direct debit share of the budgets of social works (0.5 % out of 3 % or 1/6th of the budget).

If between 1995 and the year 2000 a few tens of thousands of licensed workers benefited from this pension, this has not been the case for twenty years.

In recent years for example on an average annual recipe of 13 billion DA The total amount of pensions paid for this type of retirement does not reach the two million dinars (well read 2 million DA).The rest is paid to the normal retirement account which is separate in its operation and financing.Also it will be wise to redirect the 0.5 % withdrawn from the budgets of social works to their original accounts.

The management of group social works

Companies from various restructuring (Algeria Post, AT and Mobilis from PTTs, companies from the restructuring of Sonelgaz and SH etc.) are struggling to find a legal framework to manage their common heritage of the parent company (CMS, Hotels, Complexesvacation etc…).

It would be very useful to amend the legislation of social works to institute participation committees and inter-organizational management structures.

Nouredine Bouderba

Algiers, June 08, 2019
