By akademiotoelektronik, 12/12/2022 connect newspaper in Belgium, the use of LibreOffice is prohibited by (some?) Schools!Latest Comments Popular Labels (Tags) Friendly sites about

Dear friends, the time is serious and it annoys me ...

My children (2.5 and 4 years old) barely start school but I have not yet been concerned ...

On the other hand, here is what a member of the BXLUG shares on the distribution list:

What I answer myself on the distribution list ↓

The most important thing in this kind of case is the visibility and the opening of the "debate".This actually concerns a lot of people, society as a whole ...

If we respond alone to the only person who sent this email, then it will be easy to laugh at us (or spit in the face, according to ...)

I therefore advise you to include in a carbon copy association of parents, unions, the local police station, the alderman of the commune, a justice of the peace, the League of Laws of Man, Abeli, etc..And to directly take a firm posture concerning a serious dispute, a severe obstacle to free examination, free access to teaching, etc.. Se connecter Journal En Belgique, l’usage de LibreOffice est interdit par les (certaines ?) Écoles ! Derniers commentaires Étiquettes (tags) populaires Sites amis À propos de

There are currently a lot of arguments for free software for teaching and LibreOffice (in a word please).

For example, they do not seem to consider that our computers can only be equipped with one of our own (universal common good) GNU/Linux operating systems "incompatible" with the office suite merchandized by Microsoft.

We should always be able to invite schools and the world of education to adopt the use of our LibreOffice (multiplate-form) in place of software merchandized by Microsoft and which are only available with the commodity systemby the same North American company and the system imposed (in fact) by "its luxury subsidiary" Apple.

Would we have an enthusiastic self-help team at LibreOffice in Belgium?It's time ...
