By akademiotoelektronik, 23/07/2022

France urban and interconnects form a working group dedicated to AI


Publié le 28/01/2022ParBaptiste Cessieux • Club : Techni club.Cities


Thursday, January 20, France Urban announced the creation of a working group dedicated to artificial intelligence.A library referencing territorial projects should see the light of day before summer.

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"We are not working on artificial intelligence in the broad sense but on AI at the service of territories," explains Céline Colucci, the general delegate of the interconnected association, during her presentation of the working group joining France Urban andinterconnected around this subject."We already had a common reflection on data of territorial interest.And this reflection naturally leads to questions of artificial intelligence.Of course, compliance with personal data is compulsory but once this has been established, how can the territories take AI to improve city services, especially environmental?»»

Sous la responsabilité du vice-président de Nantes Métropole (Innovation Digital), Francky Trichet, ce nouveau ...

France Urbaine et les Interconnectés forment un groupe de travail dédié à l’IA

[70% remains to be read]

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