By akademiotoelektronik, 19/02/2023

Eugénie Bastié: "Praise of the flesh against the Neopuritans"

Reserved for subscribers by Eugénie Bastié published, updated

Chronicle - Hygienism, Metoism, Cancel Culture: in the trial of the flesh (Grasset), David Haziza pulverizes the new inquisitors.

What is the common point between the fetishism of surgical mask, feminism sauce Me Too, veganism and artificial intelligence?The refusal of the flesh, its indictment by a technical, binary and sanitized era.In the trial of the flesh (Grasset), David Haziza pulverizes contemporary Puritanism and his little inquisitors.Their pyres are plastic and they prefer hydroalcoholic gel in the flame, but their purifying fever is intact."The flesh we enjoy and the one we eat, the one we hold from our ancestors and that we transmit to our children, is again on the bench of the accused".

À lire aussiLes mythologies de la décennie: «#MeToo»

Eugénie Bastié: «Éloge de la chair contre les néopuritains»

He cursed, with a Bernanosienne verve this civilization of robots "manufacturing in the laboratory of the children which we then enclose for fear of death and the disease" which went so far as to suspend the funeral rites during the pandemic.The mask, which has become an object to display ostentatious virtue, is another aspect of politically correct that refrigerates ...

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