By akademiotoelektronik, 14/11/2022
Electrical equipment compensation fund: Too many questions remain unanswered Share to read also job offers Professional training
The State refused to accept for six years Ecosystem, Ecologic and Soren, the three eco-organisms responsible for the extended liability sector (REP) for electrical and electronic equipment (EEE).The public authorities have sanctioned files deemed insufficient by granting approvals limited to one year.They believe that eco-organizations do not offer satisfactory implementation of repair and re-use funds.Added to this is a dispute concerning the collection objectives that eco-organizations consider unattainable.
Concretely, Ecosystem is approved until the end of 2022 for households, professional EEEs and lamps, Ecologic for household and professional EEEs, and soren for photovoltaic panels.The six orders specify that the approvals may be extended within the limit of a period of six years, when the files have been completed.
Distribute the invoice between eco-organisms
The elements concerning the repair fund are "incomplete", believe the public authorities.For the moment, Ecosystem and Ecologic (Soren has no obligation to finance the repair) have fairly distant positions concerning the implementation of this device intended to alleviate the cost of repairs to equipment equipment.At stake: the distribution of an invoice which will go from 20 million euros, in 2022, to 102 million, in 2027.Ultimately, the sum will represent an increase of a third of the overall budget of a sector which today weighs just over 300 million euros.The subject is all the more delicate since there will be two separate funds, Ecosystem not wishing to set up a single shared fund which, according to him, could smooth the efforts made in terms of eco -design and sustainability between products.
The report of the Ecological Transition Agency (ADEME) devoted to the subject shows that a little more than half of the envelope will go to the repair of two categories of products: those equipped with a screen and IT equipment and IT and IT equipmenttelecommunications.However, today, Ecologic is the main eco-organization in the IT sector.But it is also the smallest of the two actors, since its budget is three to four times less than that of Ecosystem.
To complicate everything, the "small size" of Ecologic is explained, in part, by this distribution of the market.Indeed, the ecocontributions of electronic equipment are much lower than those of household appliances.For example, the ecocontribution applied to a refrigerator goes between a little less than 10 euros and 20 euros, when that of a mobile phone is around 2 to 4 cents.These differences are justified when it comes to managing waste.Less when it comes to finance repairs.
Concretely, Ecologic estimates that it should increase the eco -proofs of its members by 50 %, while those of the members of Ecosystem would only increase by 25 %.To complexify the situation, there is also a risk of cross-financing: contributions from little repaired equipment (such as toaster) could finance the repair of more frequently repaired products (such as mobile phones).However, this cross -financing is prohibited.Not to mention that he would introduce a distortion of competition.
The allocation of aid also poses a problem
These considerations directly influence the rules for the allocation of sums.An option would be to distribute the funds by brands.But Ecologic is not favorable to it because some of them, such as Polaroid or Thompson, have often changed their hands, according to the transfers of the license to use.In addition, the ecocontribution is sometimes paid by the distributor of a product (such as the Fnac-Darty group), rather than by the brand (which, despite everything, can contribute for some of its products).
Another key subject: how to organize the rise in the device?Since he will not be able to finance the repair of all the products, it is considered preferable to start with some, then to widen this perimeter.The objective being to make a useful contribution, rather than a sprinkling without effect.But by which products to start?As a priority by equipment that has a repairability index (front loading washing machine, laptops, mobile phones and televisions), Plaid Ecosystem.Ecologic opposes it.
Finally, how to pay funds?An option mentioned is a fixed sum around 30 euros per repair.But that poses two problems: the amount could be too low to reduce the cost of an expensive repair;Nothing guarantees that the aid benefits the consumer if the repair is inexpensive (it could then come to grow the repairer's margin).Ecologic would prefer a higher amount (just over 40 euros) granted above a threshold (repairs of more than 150 or 200 euros, for example).
An option could be to launch both funds as quickly as possible, and then modify the device according to the feedback.But, for the moment, the public authorities do not seem to want a solution that does not immediately meet their expectations.Besides that nothing guarantees that a consensus is easier to find later, they fear engaging the device in a bad way.And that for six years.
Reuse: follow an already experienced device
The second reproach concerns the re-use fund, the system by which eco-organizations will allocate 5 % of their budget to the actors of re-use of the social and solidarity economy (ESS).The elements presented by eco-organisms are, there too, incomplete, according to the public authorities.
There are still subjects to settle, concede eco-organisms, in particular the questions of the support scale and contracts with ESS actors."We were taken by time," explains René-Louis Perrier.But the President of Ecologic believes that "discussions are constructive" and that "a solution can be found within a fortnight".This optimism is explained, in part, by the fact that this fund is part of the continuity of provisions already deployed.Here, one of the main challenges concerns the monitoring of flows associated with voluntary systems which become a regulatory obligation.
The subject is a little more complicated for Soren."Reuse is something new for the photovoltaic sector and for Soren," explains Nicolas Defrenne, its managing director.In particular, it is necessary to set the re -use criteria which will make it possible to select the panels fit for a second life.Regarding the implementation of the system, Soren works with Envie 2e Aquitaine, which is preparing, by this summer, a line of re-use in Saint-Loubès (Gironde).And Soren to specify that the supplements expected by the State will be brought in the first quarter.
Above all, all the actors interviewed by Actu-Environnement consider that Soren pays the cost of much more serious disputes that oppose the State to Ecosystem and Ecologic.The file presented by the eco-organization could have led to a six-year approval.But, the Ministry of Ecological Transition, fearing the appeals, would not have wanted to create a precedent by validating an incomplete file.
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