By akademiotoelektronik, 31/05/2022

Developers: here are your favorite programming languages, and the ones you fear

Plus de 80 000 développeurs de 181 pays ont voté pour leurs technologies préférées et, une fois de plus, le langage de programmation Rust, créé par Mozilla, est arrivé en tête.Développeurs : voici vos langages de programmation préférés, et ceux que vous redoutez

Some 86.69% of developers have named rust as their "preferred language", a status it has maintained for six years in the annual stack overflow survey. The 2021 developer Survey was conducted from May 25 to June 15, 2021 and collected responses from 83,439 developers in 181 countries.

To determine the "most appreciated" criterion, stack overflow asked developers in what language they worked in last year and in which language they want to work next year. To find out what they "fear", they asked what they worked with last year but do not want to work next year.


Rust, Clojure, Typescript, Elixir, Julia, Python, dart, swift, Node.js and go

Rust is the most popular language, but only 5,044 developers have identified it, as opposed to Typescript, the third most "loved" language, based on 18,711 responses. Typescript is a Microsoft supported version of JavaScript, with a typing system, that helps developers more effectively encode large front-end web applications.

Les dix premiers langages "les plus aimés" sont, par ordre décroissant, les suivants : Rust, Clojure, Typescript, Elixir, Julia, Python, dart, swift, Node.js and go.

Rust is popular for system programming and is considered as a second language after C for Linux kernel development, in part because it can help eliminate memory related security bugs.

C, very used, very feared

While C is still a widely used language, more developers fear it (66%) than like it (39.56%).

Languages that fall into the same category as C-where the "feared" are more numerous than the "loved"-include C + +, Delphi, Java, R, PowerShell, PHP, Perl, Assembly, groovy, Objective-C, Matlab, VBA and COBOL. Not all developers have the option to choose the language they will use next year, but stack overflow figures suggest that developers might try to avoid these languages in the future.

C'est une mauvaise nouvelle pour Java, qui est aimé par 47 % des développeurs et redouté par 52,85 % d'entre eux. Néanmoins, cette mesure est basée sur près de 30 000 réponses, ce qui fait que le groupe qui utilise Java est beaucoup plus important que celui des développeurs qui utilisent Rust.Développeurs : voici vos langages de programmation préférés, et ceux que vous redoutez

For Oracle, Java was the jewel of his acquisition of Sun Microsystems in 2010.

Redis, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Firebase, DynamoDB, MariaDB, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL

Les bases de données les plus appréciées sont : Redis, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Firebase, DynamoDB, MariaDB, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) remains the most popular cloud computing platform with the highest number of responses (30,000), followed by Google Cloud Platform (17,000) and Microsoft Azure (17,000). Next year, Google Cloud Platform could overtake Microsoft Azure if stack overflow trends are reflected in actual business decisions.

"while AWS is the most loved platform, we see a huge influx of AWS developers wishing to develop in Google Cloud next year," notes stack overflow.

"8,586 AWS developers want to work with Google Cloud, while only 7,668 Google Cloud developers want to work in AWS. Developers who currently use Heroku or Digital Ocean prefer to start working or continue working with AWS, then Google Cloud, and finally Azure."

Svelte, ASP.NET core, FastAPI, React.js, Vue.js, express, Spring, Ruby on rails, Angular, Django, Laravel and Flask

Parmi les frameworks dont le nombre de développeurs qui sont plus appréciés que redoutés figurent Svelte, ASP.NET core, FastAPI, React.js, Vue.js, express, Spring, Ruby on rails, Angular, Django, Laravel and Flask.

The most popular tools are Git, Linux creator Linus Torvalds, the container platform docker and the container management system Kubernetes, created by Google.

Microsoft's Visual Studio Code (VS Code) multiplatform code editor has the largest population (58,000) and is the second most loved publisher behind Neovim with a population of just over 4,000 people. Vs Code is by far the leader of the "most wanted" publishers, followed by Android Studio, Xcode, IntelliJ and vim.

Source: ""
