By akademiotoelektronik, 18/10/2022

Bullshit Therapy: does not freak out, artificial intelligence does not exist

To be afraid of AI is to be afraid of people who are behind this concept.In his first platform for Numerama, Vinvin invites us to use the right words to defend the right causes.

One article a day to scare us with AI (artificial intelligence), and it works!AI is sold as a disembodied superior power, an autonomous and dominating force that could replace man.To hear the gurus, it is a plague of Egypt, like the crickets or the hail, which falls on our houses and against which we can do nothing, we, finished creatures, miserable assemblies of flesh and blood with limited capacities.AI bats the best Go player, composes music, simulates orgasm and makes court decisions.This nasty threatens human jobs and makes our IQ obsolete.

When it will operate in quantum (calculation power a million times faster, ladle), we will then become for her the equivalent of a lumbric, something viscous that is useless.Then the divine AA will rely on a button and an army of Pepper-Nao-Sophia-Atlas coupled with murderous drones will come to eradicate us.We will try to run in the forest, but, watched from everywhere and clad in nanocapper, we will be disintegrated while satisfied AI will push sardonic synthetic laughter, proud to have eliminated us from the surface of this earth - which we have conted withOur rotten human decisions.

Let's stop delirium

The AI has no third person singular identity, it is not it: let's stop the anthropomorpher, it is to give it too many powers.AI is an addition of disparate mathematical projects, designed and developed by men, essentially Chinese and American, to make a lot of business and/or change the world according to interior motivations.AI is corporate discipline, such as accounting or DTP.It is a line in the balance sheet, which counts in billions, in researchers, in servers, in applications.It is an investment in the future, a technique of calculation, synthesis, comparison, but it is not it.

AI is humans very easy to find.They work at Google, Baidu, Amazon, Alibaba, Facebook, Netflix, Airbnb or in the hundreds of start-ups that are created every day, worn by Wannabe-Zuckerberg.AI cadors weigh billions and, for the clearest, have interior pools and pretty cars;Behind the name of AI are our fellow men - coding meanness, fragile and imperfect humanities.

Bullshit Thérapie : ne flippez pas, l’intelligence artificielle n’existe pas

These types have visions for us, with or without our consent, even wishing to save us by depositing us on Mars, like the benefactor Elon Musk;It’s nice to him.They recruit organic brains in turn, while creating monitoring committees for their own activities because, beware, "the AI could one day surpass us", they say, raising a prophetic finger.

AI is human;I repeat: AI is human

And that's the problem ...

The danger does not come from the sword, but from the one who holds it.The Lords of Tech are a new aristocracy which we will more and more depend.The old French nobility counted in its ranks saints, but also demons, valiant protectors as terrible criminals.The aristocracy was stated because it was unfair, but now our appetite for servitude is manifested again.A voluntary easement based on fingers that slide on its own on Candy Crush, which command books in the blink of an eye, find a driver available in 3 minutes without having to get out of money, connect friends in groups, detectmelanomas, consider traffic, simplify administrative tasks, etc..

The lords are everywhere, they are fast, fluid, effective, they are painless and invisible, they slip under our pockets and soon in our synapses, they surround us and penetrate us, from our arteries to our eyes, passing through our sleepor our heart, and it doesn't matter that they consume indigestible resources, as long as it's cool.They grow in our lives, water heats up and we do not feel it boil ...

Sleeping, we gently leave the lords of tech to chew the existence and observe the amount of their fortunes increase and whatever;Their destiny suits us as long as we can like videos and light the light in the voice.

Go ahead, I want my taxi in the minute.

I'm not saying it's bad ...

There are good and bad lords, but in any case we are the vassals.Rather than mobilizing our fears on AI, this frightening abstraction released from an SF film, let's focus on those who develop it, one by one, without letting go.It seems easier to stick constraints to identified humans than to fight against progress disseminated in the cloud.It seems to me non -negotiable to ask these types of which we know nothing, but which make us grow our identities, what they think of death, life, happiness, ethics, health, old, education…

If a thousand companies make the business, collons of the cookies in the boot of each of their bosses, before it is too late and we are definitively stuck in an uncontrollable digital bath.The Lords of Tech collect for free what we are to simplify our lives.Exchange of good processes?I do not know.A little early to judge ... What is certain is that we will not stop the process, that never in the little story of our humanity we have downgraded.We invent, we test, we make everything fart and we correct.This is the story of our inventions as well as our DNA, a permanent correction, a readjustment.In this readjustment process, do not let ourselves be fucked.

We can start by no longer talking about AI as a uniform block, an isolated conceptual entity: words have a meaning.Let's talk about AI companies, AI entrepreneurs, AI researchers, AI developers, AI Coders, Data Scientists of AI ... Let's talk about women and menof the AI that sign the algorithms, know their names and their missions, dissect their motivations.

Let us be masters of our renunciations knowingly.

They know everything about us: let's know everything about them

Si on me demandait, je proposerais la transparence réciproque des données.Ok to use who I am, if I know who manages my profile.Ok for Mark Zuckerberg to be a billionaire, if I know the reality of his intentions, his motivations, his and those of his leaders, and if he contractually engages on general conditions of exploitation, an official charter of which heshould answer.Because giving me access to funny videos and fake news is not a sufficient life in the Négo.

Managing data gives big power, and therefore a big responsibility as the other said.Directing a unicorn will become political, and my identity will serve as money and acceptance bulletin.I have the intuition that one day a new Facebook will arise, clearer in its principles, more generous in its approach, more equitable in the balance of power, more innovative in the general proposal.

I dream of course of a beautiful European Facebook a little worn by these values which make our little cachet, we old descendants of the Enlightenment: freedom, fraternity, respect, solidarity, all these concepts a little cucul, but that'We like it anyway.A European giant a little philosopher, the child of Steve Jobs and Rousseau.As it is not ready to arrive, I just stay vigilant.

AI does not scare me because it does not exist.But be careful to the lords hidden behind ...
