By akademiotoelektronik, 22/07/2022

Brigitte Macron: "There are moments in life when you have to make choices that impact the rest of your days"

Does one campaign announce another?Until February 5, Brigitte Macron fully engages in the 2022 yellow parts operation (1).The key moment for the one that chairs the hospitals' foundation since June 2019 and is involved all year round with children and adolescents hospitalized.But obviously, some seventy days of the presidential election, his face also turns to another campaign, which still does not say its name at a time when we go, but for which it does not lack assets.In this winter in the eruptive climate, the wife of the Head of State is aware of the sympathy capital that she embodies.

Accessible, cultivated, funny, the professor of letters from Amiens with a masterfully romantic destiny has, in four and a half years, revealed very gifted in her meetings on the field as on the rare TV sets she accepted, and shewas able to cultivate a network of the most people with the most associative.At the Élysée, where she received Madame Figaro's team, she opened the doors of the left wing of the palace and accepted the photo shoot with pleasure.We go from the bright Pierre Paulin lounge, extraordinary heritage of an order from Claude and Georges Pompidou to the designer in 1972, at the office lined with Brigitte Macron flowers, in the Fougères lounge.

To read also »The Grand Oral of Brigitte Macron

On video, Brigitte Macron launches the Yellow Parts operation with humor in 2021

On his large wooden and leather work table, drawn by Matali Crossat, accumulate family photos, and books.Molière, but also Karine Tuil with the decision, Clara Dupont-Monod with adapting occupy the top of the batteries that day.It’s gone for an hour and a half of maintenance in the frank and direct style where, from children hospitalized to feminism, via digital and the weight of the standard, Brigitte Macron, if she does not reveal everything, does not bother anything.A balancingist exercise.

Madame Figaro.- What word would your state of mind best? Brigitte Macron. - fighter.Because our action is intended for children, adolescents and families who lead a fight.It takes a lot of courage to fight against a disease.For caregivers too, who fight them every day with great will and determination for their patients.Our role with the Foundation of Hospitals is to help them go through this difficult period, to support their fights.

"Fatigue, concern, uncertainty" weigh on the morale of the French, according to the investigation of the Jean-Jaurès Foundation (2). Dans un espace de communication saturé par l’hôpital depuis deux ans, comment parvenez-vous à mobiliser autour du mieux-être des enfants et des adolescents hospitalisés ?Cette pandémie est venue bousculer nos habitudes et nos certitudes.But this upheaval comes up against a constant, the confidence of the French in their hospitals and in the nursing staff.An operation like the yellow pieces has, as soon as it was implemented, had a great success because the French were able to quickly see on the ground all the projects it allows to finance.It is in particular for this reason that they mobilize in number each year.

You were elected at the head of the Hospitals Foundation in June 2019.And known, eight months later, between March and May 2020, the urgency of the pandemic and permanent contact with doctors. Comment résumer cette période inédite ?Le premier confinement a été une période intense.With the Foundation team, we have passed our days on the phone, calls were raining, individuals, businesses, artists.Some sent checks, others organized actions to collect donations ... We will never say enough generosity that the French have shown.We supported hospitals in need of respirators or other equipment.Then, we helped the mental health establishments as well as the EHPAD, to which we provided 40.000 tablets to maintain the link with families, chefs helped us compose and distribute meals ... The donations dedicated to caregivers then allowed us, in 2021, to finance the development of spaces where medical staff can rest, also receive the care of occupational therapists or physiotherapists.

From the first confinement, the violence against children increased. Quelles informations remontent alors vers la Fondation, et qu’en faire ?On m’a très vite alertée à ce sujet.Mistreatment, shaken babies, intra -family physical and mental violence ... The child psychiatrists reported real abominations.We have therefore launched a screening, diagnostic and monitoring program for children victims of mistreatment.They all pass at one time or another through the hospital.The challenge is then to spot them to say to them: "We are going to take care of you, physically and psychologically, and accompany you", sometimes until a judge.We have created mobile units, made up of a doctor trained in mistreatment, a psychologist or nurse, and a socio-educational assistant.These units now exist in several hospitals.We are studying the possibility of creating others in Amiens, Strasbourg, Bordeaux and Marseille.These flying brigades move from one hospital to another, but also in schools in the event of attempted suicide or harassment.This is part of a large teenage and children's plan in the hospital, which also includes an education component.

"I have received many letters from harassed students"

Brigitte Macron :

Comment vous êtes-vous emparée plus spécifiquement de la question du harcèlement ?Le ministre de l’Éducation nationale, Jean-Michel Blanquer, très sollicité à ce sujet, m’a demandé de m’engager à ses côtés.And I personally quickly received many letters and many e-mails of harassed students, or their parents.No doubt they say to themselves that as a teacher, I was faced with the problem.

Est-ce le cas ? De cette expérience dans les classes, que gardez-vous ?Les victimes disent peu leur souffrance, car une forme de honte et de culpabilité s’installe dans leur esprit.But we can spot them.The eyes of harassed children radically changes, it sometimes happens overnight.Their look evolves, some suddenly multiply the layers of clothes, others, usually very elegant, let themselves go ... their work in writing is affected, we see it by correcting their copies.Physical education teachers note that some refuse to put themselves in sports or swimsuit, canteen staff observe that others no longer eat, nurses or documentalists can also alert.You have to learn to spot these signs, including when it comes to cyberbullying, to which I have been attacking since 2017.

You have met the patterns of Google, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Tiktok. Que leur demandez-vous ?Je leur dis qu’il est temps d’agir.I do not ask for the moon, only respect for the legal threshold of 13 years (French law prevents a child from registering before this age, note), the recruitment of French -speaking moderators and children's assistance programs andadolescents.We also need tools to quickly delete certain content.Many are helpless, do not know 3018, the national assistance number managed by the E-Enfance association, that the Foundation will support.The patterns of social networks say they seize the extent of the problem, but they are just beginning to act, probably to respond to the many studies carried out on the calamitous impact of social networks on the youngest.Harassment torches in college, and often even from primary school, it is extremely worrying.Do I do too much?I don't know, but a kind of certainty pushes me to act.I don't have an account myself, but I am not anti-angel.

Les jeunes y trouvent aussi des informations, du soutien, de la consolation…Absolument ! C’est Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde.I often talk about the second, but I don't forget the first.Internet and social networks can bring the best.Unfortunately, Stevenson's novel ends badly: Mr.Hyde prend le dessus et le Dr.Jekyll can no longer become himself again.The same challenge arises in digital.

Brigitte Macron, la Cover StoryVoir le diaporama9 photos

Harassment is linked to the weight of the standard, to the sanction of the difference. Comment abordiez-vous cette question dans vos cours ?Vous abordez la norme dès que vous avez un texte sur la morale, sur la tolérance.So you come in relation to what is good, what is bad.But it is true that I am not necessarily comfortable with this notion of standard, I have never been.Because I do not feel empowered to judge what is in the norm.It is even a revolt in my house, when, all the time, we want to tell us what is good or not, what we have to think.

Vous-même avez un parcours de vie qui n’est pas dans la norme…C’est vrai mais je ne l’ai pas cherché.It fell on me.Except, of course, at some point, where I acted.There are moments in everyone's life where you have to make choices that affect the rest of your days.A choice involves deciding, it is sometimes painful.When this moment arrives, you only refer to your structure.Period.

Quelle est la vôtre ?J’ai toujours été structurée autour d’Emmanuel - je dis Emmanuel car je vous parle là de mon mari, pas du président - et de mes enfants.It has always been like this.In difficult times, I was never alone, there were children.I don't want to talk too much about them because it would be exposing them, but I have this multiplied spine.My life is not ordinary, I am the wife of the President of the Republic, but the fundamental values that structure me are simple and have always been.

Viennent-elles de l’enfance, au sein d’une famille nombreuse ?Nous étions six enfants nés sur une période de vingt-deux ans, et je suis la dernière de la fratrie.This is the reason why, when my elder brothers and sisters gave me morality, I reminded them that they were not my father or my mother!Our parents were extremely structuring, they loved us deeply.They could be very cool in certain areas - let us go out, do what we liked ... -, but respect for the other was essential.They let everything go, everything except that.I have a good nature, and I also live very strong in the present moment.I am intimately convinced that death awaits us every moment, so nothing else exists than there, now, now.I have it in mind since I was 8 years old (Brigitte Macron has lost a sister in a road accident, editor's note).I have the impression that we don't have time, that you have to go fast.What you don't do now, maybe you'll never do it.It is also the carp diem of the circle of missing poets.

L’appliquez-vous d’une manière ou d’une autre à l’Élysée ?Je me suis malgré tout découverte ici plus patiente que je ne le pensais.I learned not to speak openly to anyone, anywhere and anytime, which is for me a colossal effort because I speak easily!All I say, and even what I am not saying, can be taken up and interpreted.I am the wife of the President of the Republic, who is president of all French people.The French did not want me, I am perfectly aware of it.So it's up to me to find my place and help them where I can do it, in the field of health, culture, education in particular.

Comment est né chez vous le goût de la littérature ?J’ai toujours beaucoup lu, mais je lisais un peu comme Madame Bovary : j’adorais les romans historiques, les romans de cape et d’épée, les romans qui me délocalisaient de la vie.And then, little by little, I entered the classic novel.This kind remains flagship in my opinion.I have a passion for Flaubert, who is overwhelming.He imprisoned language in his sentence.In poetry, my favorites are Baudelaire and Rimbaud, an overwhelming genius, absolute.I also really like the absurd, Jarry, Ionesco, who make us pass on the other side of the mirror.

Professeure, est-ce une vocation ?C’est un métier difficile, physique, que l’on a chevillé au corps… Cependant, moi, je l’ai découvert assez tardivement.At the birth of my third child, I could no longer manage the famous mental charge.I had a mastery of letters in my pocket, in Strasbourg we were looking for teachers, it started like that: in a college class, with a course on the circumstantial conjunctive subordinates of consequences.

At the Institute of Employment Vocations that you chair, you teach today to adults who have had a difficult journey, and that the Institute supports in the construction of a professional project. Qu’y partagez-vous ?C’est une démarche très courageuse pour ces femmes et ces hommes qui suivent des cours de maths, d’expression écrite et orale, de numérique, d’anglais, qui apprennent pour certains à monter leur petite entreprise… Et moi, je donne des cours de littérature et de culture générale.When I arrive, it is the president's wife, and after five minutes, I am the teacher.They say to themselves: "Ah ... in fact, we're going to work!"There is an exchange, and I admire them.Some have had not simple life courses, but all are there, standing and alive, extremely positive.

Before leaving her post last December, Angela Merkel, after several decades to get around the word, said, on the stage of the Düsseldorf theater alongside the writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: "Yes, I am a feminist.» En dites-vous autant ?Moi, je vous dis : je suis féministe avec les hommes.That is to say that I am very happy that women finally speak, that women say who they are, that women show everything they can do.But I know that this fight, we are leading it with men.

Que leur demandez-vous ?De nous entendre, de nous comprendre, de se battre avec nous.Because we need them in this fight.I don't want men to imagine that we are against them.I love men.And for me, feminism is a fight of women and men.

Quel regard portez-vous sur ces jeunes filles et très jeunes femmes qui, à 15 ou 20 ans, militent avec une sorte de colère, voire de rage ?Toute violence m’inquiète.I don't judge her, but she scares me.On men-female relationships, on ecology, the world we offer to this young generation does not necessarily like.I can understand that she is trying to model the world that happens with other codes.

Enfin, le président laisse peu de doute quant à sa nouvelle candidature…Je n’ai pas de scoop.When I got here, I said to myself: I have a five -year plan.We do not know what will happen next, so it will be time.

Dans votre vie quotidienne, quel enseignement retenez-vous de ces bientôt cinq années passées à l’Élysée ?Préserver son intimité est primordial, il faut être intransigeant à ce propos.The president also has this very heart.An apartment, within the palace, is therefore sanctuarized.No one has access, never.We meet there, alone, for breakfast and sometimes at dinner, when we have no official events at the agenda.I also learned to live with security.At the beginning, when I was told "no", because I wanted to go out to run or walk Nemo, I replied: "Well, if.We negotiated, found the Modus Vivendi.I understand their charge, their responsibility too.

"We are responsible for what will unite us tomorrow," said Simone Veil. Qu’est-ce qui nous unira demain, d’après vous ?Je pense que c’est le dialogue.Against and against everything, we must not orchestrate a break in dialogue.I deeply believe in the verb and listening.

(1) To make a donation before February 5: Portery to report in the post office, by Internet on, by SMS via a donation of 5 euros by sending Don to 92111.(2) A tired company ?, Survey published by the Jean-Jaurès Foundation (Political Club and Think Tank).

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