By akademiotoelektronik, 13/10/2022

Artificial intelligence is first of all a social issue ...

To gain responsiveness and competitiveness, all companies are now turning to data and data-science.For CIOs, the challenge is not only to democratize the tools but also to ensure the transparency and the explanability of the intelligences put in place ...

How to apply AI to each business process?How to make it make everyone make every day better informed and more efficient?How to democratize the tools of data-science so that they are no longer the prerogative of only experts, profiles far too rare on the market?These subjects are at the heart of the reflections of many DSIs while the business directions push to better benefit from their data and draw from it from the value.

Dataiku is one of these startups that intend to systematize the use of data and AI in companies with the objective of making their employees, teams and their organizations more effective and more innovative on a daily basis.Its Southern Europe manager, Charles Beneteau, is Guy Hervier's guest as part of his program "L’uvit de la Week".With him, he returns to the challenges that Data Science poses to CIOs in terms of organization and tools but also in terms of security, compliance and explanability.

« L’intelligence artificielle est d’abord un enjeu de société… »

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