By akademiotoelektronik, 13/07/2022

Artificial intelligence, good for companies and employees?

Will the growing presence of artificial intelligence (AI) in the world of work make us switch to a matrix dystopia, where machines take precedence over humans?Nothing is less certain if we believe an investigation carried out by the BCG and the Sloan Management Review with 2,197 executives in 106 countries and 28 sectors of activity which shows the positive effect of an AI used effectively inthe organization of the company.

Clarity of everyone's roles

Thus, 78% of those questioned say they are satisfied on at least one of the following criteria: enthusiasm, collaboration, clarity of everyone's roles, collective learning.And 51% are even positive on all points, a sign that a company is better organized using an AI.

This better visibility has the consequence in the eyes of 63% of them to strengthen their confidence in themselves and in the company, which makes them better prepared to face competition and more capable of seizing opportunities.

Such a program of algorithms also modifies - for 64% of companies - the mode of general performance, in particular thanks to a concentration of employees on tasks where they are the best, a common alignment on the objective to be achieved andmore collective learning.Contre-up, AI makes organization more human.

L'intelligence artificielle, bonne pour les entreprises et les salariés ?

However, underlines the survey, such benefits can only happen if employees have a positive attitude towards AI, before its introduction into the organization of the company.Such distrust, judge those questioned, comes from a lack of understanding (49%) or training (at 46%).

If these barriers are not a problem of means for large international companies questioned by the BCG, it is not the same for SMEs, for which the experience is more risky.

A consultation organized last March by the senators looked at the problem of "new organizations and transformation of the relationship to work" in SMEs.The development of robotization, data management or the trivialization of telework since the COVVI-19 health crisis jostle the world of SMEs.However, underlines the report, for representatives of audited unions, "it is essential that companies and their managers retain control of work organization instead of undergoing phenomena coming" to hit work ", such as'artificial intelligence".

Bousson and safeguard

However, this mastery is precisely what requires a overhaul of the organization, to take advantage of the benefits of AI.Arnaud Laroche, consultant at EY, points the risk - classic - of a strategy developed by a direction which even with the AI remains "above ground", not being able to implement a new organization with all employees.Conversely, a decentralization without a framework risks diluting initiatives without convergence.The difficulty is therefore first to define this central framework which "acts as a compass, a governance tool, but also a safeguard which makes it possible to ensure that all go in the same direction and thus to be able to count on aUnified technological base, "says Arnaud Laroche.

It is only this operation carried out, which requires an awareness of management, especially in SMEs, that the deployment of algorithms can be decentralized and makes it possible to leave the old matrix.

Robert Jules

3 minutes

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