By akademiotoelektronik, 23/02/2023
Artificial intelligence: 193 countries, including Haiti, adopt the first agreement on the ethics of artificial intelligence
The world needs rules for artificial intelligence to benefit humanity and the recommendation on AI ethics is a strong response, the UNESCO Director of the General Director, Audrey Azoulay, said on Thursday by presenting thevery first world standard on artificial intelligence ethics (AI), which was adopted by the member states of UNESCO, including Haiti, during the Conference Conference.
Thursday, November 25, 2021 (( -
This historical text states common values and principles which will guide the implementation of the legal infrastructure necessary to ensure healthy development of AI.
According to Ms. Azoulay the recommendation on AI ethics fixes the first world normative framework "while giving states responsibility to apply it at their level".
"UNESCO will support its 193 Member States in its implementation and ask them to regularly account for their progress and their practices."Said Audrey Azoulay, director of UNESCO.
AI is omnipresent
Whether it's reserving a flight, leading driver -free cars or personalizing our morning news feed, AI intervenes in many of our daily habits.It also participates in the decision -making of governments and the private sector.
AI technologies give remarkable results in very specialized fields such as cancer screening and the creation of inclusive environments for disabled people.It can also help fight global problems such as climate change or world hunger and help reduce poverty by optimizing economic aid.
But this technology also brings new challenges.We are witnessing an increase in sexist and ethnic prejudices, threats to privacy, dignity and capacity to act, dangers of mass monitoring and increased use of unreliable AI technologiesin the application of the law, to name a few examples.So far, there has been no universal standard to provide an answer to these problems.
Recommendation content
According to UNESCO, the recommendation aims to materialize the advantages that AI brings to society and to reduce the risks it has.
It ensures that digital transformations promote human rights and contribute to the achievement of sustainable development objectives, by addressing the issues related to transparency, responsibility and privacy.
It includes political chapters oriented towards action on data governance, education, culture, work, health care and the economy.
Data protection
The recommendation calls for going beyond what technological companies and governments make to guarantee individuals greater protection by ensuring transparency, capacity to act and control of their personal data.She claims that all individuals should be able to access the records of their personal data, and even erase it.It also provides for actions to improve data protection and the knowledge that individuals have of their own data, as well as their right to control them.It also strengthens the capacity of regulatory organizations around the world to enforce these provisions.
Prohibition of social rating and mass monitoring
The recommendation explicitly prohibits the use of AI systems for social rating and mass monitoring.These technologies are very invasive, they affect human rights and fundamental freedoms, and they are used in general.The recommendation underlines that, during the development of regulatory executives, the Member States should take into account the fact that the responsibility and the obligation to account are always incumbent on human beings as a last resort and that the technologies of the AI doshould not be endowed with a legal personality.
Assistance in monitoring and evaluation
The recommendation also laid the basics of tools that will contribute to its implementation.The evaluation of the ethical impact aims to help countries and companies that develop and deploy AI systems to assess the impact of these systems on individuals, society and the environment.The method of assessing the preparation state helps Member States to assess to what extent they are ready in terms of legal and technical infrastructure.This tool will help strengthen the institutional capacity of countries and recommend the appropriate measures to be taken in order to guarantee the practical implementation of ethics.In addition, the recommendation encourages Member States to consider adding the function of an independent AI ethics official or another mechanism to supervise audits and continuous monitoring.
Environmental Protection
The recommendation underlines that AI actors should favor the methods of data, energy and resources that will help make AI a major tool in the fight against climate change and resolution of environmental problems.The recommendation asks governments to assess the direct and indirect environmental impact throughout the life cycle of the AI system.This includes its carbon footprint, its energy consumption and the environmental impact of the extraction of raw materials to support the manufacture of AI technologies.It also aims to reduce the environmental impact of AI systems and data infrastructure.It encourages governments to invest in green technologies, and if AI systems have a disproportionate negative impact on the environment, the recommendation advocates not to use them.
For fair, transparent and questionable decisions
Decisions that have an impact on millions of people must be equitable, transparent and questionable, said UNESCO's Subdirector General for the Social and Human Sciences, Gabriela Ramos.
"These new technologies must help us to take up the major challenges of our current world, such as the increase in inequalities and the environmental crisis, not aggravate them."Said Ms. Gabriela Ramos.
UNESCO stresses that emerging technologies such as AI have proven their immense ability to do good.However, the organization calls for controlling its negative effects, which exacerbate existing divisions and inequalities worldwide.
The advances in matters of AI must respect the rule of law, by avoiding doing wrong and ensuring that, when there is prejudice, mechanisms of responsibility and repair are available to the persons concerned,supports UNESCO.
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