By akademiotoelektronik, 04/09/2022
Ai For Health, the event that brings together health and artificial intelligence professionals
For the fourth consecutive year AI for Health brought together artificial intelligence players and health professionals in France.The objective is to bring together start-ups, pharmaceutical research laboratories, academic institutions and industrialists to make them aware of the use of artificial intelligence and the impact of AI in the medical universe fordemocratize the use of this technology for medical progress.
At the initiative of this event in partnership with Janssen, Damien Gromier, CEO of Startup Inside and author of artificial intelligence in action and Stephanie Trang, Director General for AI For Health enlighten us on this meeting which aims to place theFrance at the heart of medical development.
In 4 years, have you seen the impact of this event in medical progress?
Damien Gromier: Indeed, in 4 years, many things have evolved.When we started in 2018, everything that could be said in our conferences was very prospective, that is to say that there was not yet a case of concrete or successful use.Today we see that we have completely successful use cases that exist and where I have entered the world of health.
Stephanie Trang: Yes, in a few years, the ecosystem has grown up, start-ups have become mature and their use cases work.Lifen which automates the centralization of data in the hospital for example, to raise 50 million euros a few days ago.The founder of Lifen had come almost four years ago at a conference, he announced the creation of the Lifen service.Today he came to talk about his solution and tell us that she works.
How can artificial intelligence help the world of health?
Damien Gromier: Artificial intelligence is a tool like any other that will allow health professionals to focus even more on the patient, thanks to the tools that start-ups develop, for example for all administrativeToday we have solutions that allow hospitals to centralize all their data, so we know exactly which beds are free for example.I could also tell you about digital twins for clinical trials that would avoid using humans for clinical trials, etc..Ultimately, health professionals need to be reassured, AI is a tool that will allow them to diagnose better, faster and with more precision their patients.
Why did you decided to create an event like AI For Health?
Damien Gromier: Four years ago, there were already start-ups that developed artificial intelligence for health.But often these start-ups were Early Stage that he had not yet lifted money that had not yet been used.Consequently, we have created an event to meet start-ups, investors and health professionals so that in the long term thanks to the solutions created by start-umpers, we advance medicine thanks to intelligenceartificial.Doing this event at Station F is also a way to show that we are where the ecosystem grows.
What are the upcoming challenges of AI in the health field?
Stephanie Trang: The main stake of AI in the field, medically, is to democratize the solutions put in place.For example at Adolphe de Rothschild hospital in Paris, health and artificial intelligence professionals have developed a solution to detect diabetic retinopathy.This solution exists, it works.She is used in this hospital.The goal today is to democratize it everywhere in France, and in the world.Our goal with AI for Health is to facilitate democratization.The second mission that we give ourselves with this conference is to allow and encourage the emergence of French and European champions.The challenge, today, is that France which aspires to become one of the leaders in the management and sharing of health data at the service of the common good manages to achieve its objectives
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